Friday, July 17, 2009


I'm making this photo dump primarily for my mom, because I'm Skyping with her right now and she's pissed because she can't see my pictures because she's too lazy to get a Facebook. I'll take these down eventually, but here are my favorite photos from my life in Tokyo so far.

Hey, Mom, because you're kind of computer retarded--if you click on the pictures, they'll open up bigger in the same window. Also you can comment as an anonymous user at the bottom of the posts if you want. Godspeed....I know it's hard.

My progress on the plane.
Women's restroom....welcome to Japan
This is my face in the bathroom mirror
Me and Alec and Rory on the train after the airport
Rory is..........very tall. Momoko, Noriko, Keiko, and Sakiko....kokokokoko.

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