Saturday, June 6, 2009

Still on the West Side.

Hi, welcome to my first blog post. Thanks for joining me on this kooky ride. I should probably explain a few things before my plane leaves the ground on June 19th.

Chris Hensley exposed me to the band X-Japan when I was 16, and since that day I've been obsessed with getting my hands on anything Japanese rock and roll. This carried on through high school into college, fueled by 2 years of Japanese classes and influencing the rock bands I fronted, until this year (my second) when I decided to do an Independent Learning Contract through my school, The Evergreen State College, to go to Tokyo for 2.5 months to study rock music. I'm also participating in an academic program for 3 weeks through Tamagawa University, where I'll be doing...well, fuck, I'm not exactly sure. I should probably get some more information on the subject.

Anyway, I'll be in Tokyo for awhile, and here are a few of my main goals:

  • Not make a huge ass of myself upon entrance to the college
  • Get backstage at some local shows and hang out with some bands
  • Get the chance to play a few local shows 
  • Better my Japanese speaking/listening skills
  • Learn how to fucking read some Japanese
  • Make Japanese friends
  • Get my tongue in some hot Japanese mouths
  • Not get my ass raped and killed in some dark alleyway
Here are my fantasy goals:

  • Experience hot intense Japanese orgy
  • Get engaged to a rich, sexy, androgynous record producer
  • Get signed to a subsidiary of UMG Tokyo
  • Become diagnosed with tapeworms so I can eat whatever I want and be unhealthily thin
That last one's not necessarily particular to Japan, but I hear they have a lot of bugs, and hopefully I'll get lucky.


  1. lol. You are so awesome and I can't wait for the updates to start flooding in! Have fun be safe and make some "special" friends! :D

    Ganbatte ne!!!

  2. tapeworms would be awesome. I want a tapeworm...kinda

  3. I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow man GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK

  4. Go melt their faces off with your SUPREME POWERS OF JAPANOPHILIA.

    Also, aim for the TOPPA... Get MOAR than your tongue in some hot Japanese mouths!!!!!!1111111111 P:

    <3 <3 <3

  5. oh god i am so excited for you. this is actually happening! Have as much fun as possible without dying, k? <333333333

  6. If you wanted a tapeworm, you should have let me know. Poochifer probably has a gracious plenty to spare!

  7. oh yeah...i just realized you might not know that I'm Glyndyn. I totally didn't notice that my name didn't show at all.

    cool. you're in japan

  8. Hey Alex! Sorry I didn't meet up with you in Tanashi! My feet were just killing me and we were walking around for hours trying to find ur crack house hostel. LOL. YOu should definitely come visit up north and we can chill there. :)

  9. oops I didn't realize I was signed under viv's acct. LOL. :P


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